Linux NTFS - NTFSLS (8)


ntfsls - list directory contents on an NTFS filesystem


ntfsls [ -a | --all ] [ -F | --classify ] [ -f | --force ] [ -h | -? | --help ] [ -i | --inode ] [ -l | --long ] [ -p | --path PATH ] [ -q | --quiet ] [ -s | --system ] [ -V | --version ] [ -v | --verbose ] [ -x | --dos ] DEVICE


ntfsls is used to list information about the files specified by the PATH option (the root directory by default). DEVICE is the special file corresponding to the device (e.g /dev/hdXX) or an NTFS image file.


-a, --all Display all files. If this option is not specified file names in the POSIX namespace will not be displayed.
-F, --classify
  Append indicator (one of */=@|) to entries.
-f, --force
  Force execution. For example necessary to run on an NTFS partition stored in a normal file.
-h, -?, --help
  Print the usage information of ntfsls and exit.
-i, --inode
  Print inode number of each file. This is the MFT reference number in NTFS terminology.
-l, --long Use a long listing format.
-p, --path The directory whose contents to list or the file (including the path) about which to display information.
-q, --quiet
  Suppress some debug/warning/error messages.
-s, --system
  Unless this options is specified, all files beginning with a dollar sign character will not be listed as these files are usually system files.
-V, --version
  Print the version number of ntfsls and exit.
-v, --verbose
  Display more debug/warning/error messages.
-x, --dos Display short file names, i.e. files in the DOS namespace, instead of long file names, i.e. files in the WIN32 namespace.


We are not aware of any bugs. If you find a bug, please report it to Thank you.


This version of ntfsls has been written by Lode Leroy and enhanced by Anton Altaparmakov. This man page has been written by Anton Altaparmakov.


ntfsls is part of the ntfsprogs package and is available for download from in source (tar ball and rpm) and pre-compiled binary (i386 rpm and deb) form.

