
KLOG - Technical

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Each KLOG block represents a page in the Kernel Update Log, When changes are made to the database, the VMDB and KLOG structures record what is happening. New VBLKs being added, and old VBLKs being removed are given a Transaction ID which is stored in the Log.

Each KLOG block is 512 bytes long, a sector can contain more than one KLOG block (e.g. 4Kn).

KLOG Structure

Offset Size Description
0x00 4 KLOG Magic Number
0x04 8
Unknown Transaction ID (a)
0x0C 4 Sequence Number (b)
0x10 4 Number of Pages (i.e. KLOG Blocks)
0x14 4 Page Index
0x18 24 LOG Entry 0 (c)
0x30 24 LOG Entry 1
0x48 24 LOG Entry 2
0x60 24 ...

LOG Entry Structure

0x00 1 Status (See below)
0x01 8 Committed Transaction ID
0x09 8 Pending Transaction ID
0x11 4 Recovery Sequence Number
0x15 3 Zeros (padding to 4-byte boundary)

Entry Status

Value Description
0x00 Entry does not exist
0x01 detach
0x02 dirty
0x03 commit
0x04 logdetach


(a) Updates occasionally, gets the value of the latest PendingTransactionID, all the KLOG blocks have the same value here.

(b) The sequence number is log-wide (not per page), however, when updating multiple pages at once, they can share the same sequence number.

(c) The first page stores the latest commit LOG entry at the top of the page, old entries are appended to the end.

(d) To get the page entries, simply read all entries until an entry with a status of 0x00 is found

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