
File - $LogFile (2)

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Author's note: The information presented here is intended to complement the information presented in the "NTFS Recovery Support" subchapter in Windows Internals, by Mark E. Russinovich and David Solomon.


Type Description Name
0x30 $FILE_NAME $LogFile
0x80 $DATA [Unnamed]

Layout of the File

Unnamed Data Stream

At the beginning of the log files are two LFS_RESTART_PAGE pages, 4KB each, CurrentLsn should be used to determine which is more recent. There are two restart pages because one of them may become corrupt if there is a power failure during write. (Note: the NTFS v5.1 driver will write two identical copies when the volume is cleanly dismounted). The rest of the log file comprised of a series of LFS_RECORD_PAGE pages, the size of each page is specified in the LFS_RESTART_AREA structure.
As of LFS v1.1 (The latest version as of this writing, being used from Windows NT 4.0 onwards), the first two pages have special purpose and are called tail pages or tail copies, the rest of the pages are sometimes called regular pages. The tail pages are used for backup purposes, and in some circumstances may contain information that haven't yet been written to the regular log area.


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 8 MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER Signature: 'RSTR'
0x08 8 ChkDskLsn
0x10 4 SystemPageSize The size of each LFS_RESTART_PAGE
0x14 4 LogPageSize The size of each LFS_RECORD_PAGE
0x18 2 RestartOffset The offset of the LFS_RESTART_AREA relative to the start of this structure
0x1A 2 MinorVersion Signed integer, LFS minor version number
0x1C 2 MajorVersion Signed integer, LFS major version number
0x1E Variable UpdateSequenceArray
RestartOffset Variable LFS_RESTART_AREA


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 8 CurrentLsn The LSN of the latest record at the time this structure was written
0x08 2 LogClients Number of LFS_CLIENT_RECORD entries
0x0A 2 ClientFreeList The index of the first free log client record in LogClientArray (NoClient = 0xFFFF)
0x0C 2 ClientInUseList The index of the first in-use log client record in LogClientArray (NoClient = 0xFFFF)
0x0E 2 Flags SinglePageIO = 0x0001, CleanDismount = 0x0002
0x10 4 SeqNumberBits SeqNumberBits = 64 - (FileSizeBits - 3), where FileSizeBits is the number of bits chosen to represent the log file size (greater than or equal to the number of bits needed)
0x14 2 RestartAreaLength Length of this structure including LogClientArray
0x16 2 ClientArrayOffset The offset of the first LFS_CLIENT_RECORD relative to the start of this structure
0x18 8 FileSize The size of the log file
0x20 4 LastLsnDataLength The length of data belongs to the record associated with CurrentLsn (not including the LFS_RECORD_HEADER)
0x24 2 RecordHeaderLength
0x26 2 LogPageDataOffset
0x28 4 RevisionNumber This value is incremented by 1 every time the LogRestartArea is being written (initial value is chosen at random)
ClientArrayOffset Variable LogClientArray LFS_CLIENT_RECORD array of clients who are using this log file (currently the only client is NTFS itself)


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 8 OldestLsn
0x08 8 ClientRestartLsn The LSN of the latest restart record at the time this structure was written
0x10 2 PrevClient The index of the next client in LogClientArray (NoClient = 0xFFFF)
0x12 2 NextClient The index of the next client in LogClientArray (NoClient = 0xFFFF)
0x14 2 SeqNumber Client sequence number
0x16 6 Padding
0x1C 4 ClientNameLength Number of bytes
0x20 128 ClientName


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 8 MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER Signature: 'RCRD'
0x08 8 LastLsnOrFileOffset Last LSN that starts on this page for regular log pages, FileOffset for tail copies (indicates the location in the file where the page should be placed)
0x10 4 Flags RecordEnd = 0x00000001 (Indicates that a log record ends on this page)
0x14 2 PageCount Number of pages written as part of the IO transfer. a MultiPage record is likely to be written as part of two separate IO transfers (since the last page may have room for more records that will be written in a later transfer)
0x16 2 PagePosition One-based
0x18 2 NextRecordOffset The offset of the free space in the page, if the last record does not end on this page then this value is not incremented and will point to the start of the record.
0x1A 6 Padding
0x20 8 LastEndLsn
0x28 Variable UpdateSequenceArray
Variable Data


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 8 ThisLsn
0x08 8 ClientPreviousLsn
0x10 8 ClientUndoNextLsn
0x18 4 ClientDataLength
0x1C 2 ClientSeqNumber
0x1E 2 ClientIndex
0x20 4 RecordType ClientRecord = 1, ClientRestart = 2
0x24 4 TransactionId
0x28 2 Flags MultiPage = 0x0001
0x2A 6 Padding
0x30 ClientDataLength Data

Structures specific to the NTFS client


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 MajorVersion NTFS log client major version
0x04 4 MinorVersion NTFS log client minor version
0x08 8 StartOfCheckpointLsn
0x10 8 OpenAttributeTableLsn
0x18 8 AttributeNamesLsn
0x20 8 DirtyPageTableLsn
0x28 8 TransactionTableLsn
0x30 4 OpenAttributeTableLength
0x34 4 AttributeNamesLength
0x38 4 DirtyPageTableLength
0x3C 4 TransactionTableLength
0x40 8 Unknown1 $USN Journal related length
0x48 8 PreviousRestartRecordLsn The value of CurrentLsn on previous mount?
0x50 4 BytesPerCluster
0x54 4 Padding
0x58 8 UsnJournal MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE of the $USN journal
0x60 8 Unknown2 $USN Journal related
0x68 8 UnknownLsn This field is present starting in Windows Vista and later

Windows NT 4.0 writes RESTART_AREA records that are 64 bytes long.
Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 write RESTART_AREA records that are 104 bytes long.
Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10 write RESTART_AREA records that are 112 bytes long.

When x64 versions of Windows format the volume they set the RESTART_AREA version to 1.0 (x86 will set the version to 0.0). The record version will be maintained when moving disks between operating systems using the same record length.


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 2 RedoOperation NTFS_LOG_OPERATION
0x02 2 UndoOperation NTFS_LOG_OPERATION
0x04 2 RedoOffset Offset MUST be aligned to 8 byte boundary
0x06 2 RedoLength
0x08 2 UndoOffset Offset MUST be aligned to 8 byte boundary
0x0A 2 UndoLength
0x0C 2 TargetAttributeOffset Offset of the attribute in the open attribute table, 0 is a valid value for operations that do not require TargetAttribute
0x0E 2 LCNsToFollow
0x10 2 RecordOffset
0x12 2 AttributeOffset
0x14 2 ClusterBlockOffset
0x16 2 Reserved
0x18 8 TargetVCN
0x20 Variable LCNsForPage
RedoOffset RedoLength RedoData
UndoOffset UndoLength UndoData

The NTFS_LOG_RECORD_HEADER structure definition reserves 8 bytes for the first LCN. UndoOffset / UndoOffset MUST be greater than or equal to 0x28.


Value Name Data
0x00 Noop
0x01 CompensationLogRecord
0x02 InitializeFileRecordSegment FILE_RECORD_SEGMENT
0x03 DeallocateFileRecordSegment
0x04 WriteEndOfFileRecordSegment ATTRIBUTE_RECORD_HEADER
0x06 DeleteAttribute
0x07 UpdateResidentAttributeValue (Attribute Value)
0x08 UpdateNonResidentAttributeValue (Attribute Value)
0x09 UpdateMappingPairs (Mapping Pair bytes)
0x0A DeleteDirtyClusters array of LCN_RANGE
0x0B SetNewAttributeSizes NEW_ATTRIBUTE_SIZES
0x0C AddIndexEntryToRoot INDEX_ENTRY
0x0D DeleteIndexEntryFromRoot INDEX_ENTRY
0x0E AddIndexEntryToAllocationBuffer INDEX_ENTRY
0x0F DeleteIndexEntryFromAllocationBuffer INDEX_ENTRY
0x10 WriteEndOfIndexBuffer INDEX_ENTRY
0x11 SetIndexEntryVcnInRoot VCN
0x12 SetIndexEntryVcnInAllocationBuffer VCN
0x14 UpdateFileNameInAllocationBuffer DUPLICATED_INFORMATION
0x15 SetBitsInNonResidentBitMap BITMAP_RANGE
0x16 ClearBitsInNonResidentBitMap BITMAP_RANGE
0x17 HotFix
0x18 EndTopLevelAction
0x19 PrepareTransaction
0x1A CommitTransaction
0x1B ForgetTransaction
0x1C OpenNonResidentAttribute OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY (The attribute name is stored in the UndoData field)
0x1D OpenAttributeTableDump OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY restart table
0x1E AttributeNamesDump ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ENTRY array
0x1F DirtyPageTableDump DIRTY_PAGE_ENTRY restart table
0x20 TransactionTableDump TRANSACTION_ENTRY restart table
0x21 UpdateRecordDataInRoot (value)
0x22 UpdateRecordDataInAllocationBuffer (value)


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 2 EntrySize
0x02 2 NumberEntries
0x04 2 NumberAllocated
0x06 6 Padding
0x0C 4 FreeGoal
0x10 4 FirstFree
0x14 4 LastFree

OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY, NTFS v1.2, client v0.0

Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 PointerToAttributeName This value is used by the live system and should be ignored when read from disk
0x08 8 FileReference MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE
0x10 8 LsnOfOpenRecord This is the LSN of the client record preceding the OpenNonResidentAttribute record
0x18 1 DirtyPagesSeen Boolean
0x19 1 AttributeNamePresent Boolean
0x1A 2 Padding
0x1C 4 AttributeTypeCode
0x20 8 AttributeName UNICODE_STRING, This value is used by the live system and should be ignored when read from disk
0x28 4 BytesPerIndexBuffer Meaningful if (AttributeTypeCode == IndexAllocation)

OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY, NTFS v3.0+, client v0.0

Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 AttributeOffset Self-reference, NTFS v5.1 driver calulates AttributeOffset using entry length of 0x28, the reason is unclear
0x08 8 FileReference MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE
0x10 8 LsnOfOpenRecord
0x18 4 Padding
0x1C 4 AttributeTypeCode
0x20 8 PointerToAttributeName This value is used by the live system and should be ignored when read from disk
0x28 4 BytesPerIndexBuffer Meaningful if (AttributeTypeCode == IndexAllocation)

OPEN_ATTRIBUTE_ENTRY, NTFS v3.0+, client v1.0

Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 BytesPerIndexBuffer Meaningful if (AttributeTypeCode == IndexAllocation)
0x08 4 AttributeTypeCode
0x0C 1 DirtyPagesSeen Boolean
0x0D 3 Padding
0x10 8 FileReference MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE
0x18 8 LsnOfOpenRecord
0x20 8 PointerToAttributeName This value is used by the live system and should be ignored when read from disk

DIRTY_PAGE_ENTRY, client v0.0

Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 TargetAttributeOffset Offset of the attribute in the open attribute table
0x08 4 LengthOfTransfer
0x0C 4 LCNsToFollow
0x10 4 Reserved
0x14 8 VCN
0x1C 8 OldestLsn Oldest LSN of log record update that has not yet been written through to the disk
0x24 8 * LCNsToFollow LCNsForPage Array of LCNs (logical cluster number)

DIRTY_PAGE_ENTRY, client v1.0

Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 TargetAttributeOffset Offset of the attribute in the open attribute table
0x08 4 LengthOfTransfer
0x0C 4 LCNsToFollow
0x10 8 VCN
0x18 8 OldestLsn Oldest LSN of log record update that has not yet been written through to the disk
0x20 8 * LCNsToFollow LCNsForPage Array of LCNs (logical cluster number)


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 AllocatedOrNextFree 0xFFFFFFFF if the entry is allocated
0x04 4 TransactionState Uninitialized = 0, Active = 1, Prepared = 2, Committed = 3
0x08 8 FirstLsn
0x10 8 PreviousLsn
0x18 8 UndoNextLsn
0x20 4 UndoRecords Number of undo log records pending abort
0x24 4 UndoBytes Number of bytes in undo log records pending abort

I am not sure of the circumstances requiring the transaction table to be written to disk, under normal circumstances the transaction table can be implied from the log records and is not explicitly written to disk.


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 2 OpenAttributeOffset Offset of the attibute with this name in the open attribute table
0x02 2 NameLength In bytes
0x04 (NameLength + 1) * 2 Name Null terminated


Offset Size Name Description
0x00 4 BitmapOffset
0x04 4 NumberOfBits

LSN (logical sequence number)

The LSN is both the ID of an LFS record and the location of the record in the log file.

To calculate the file offset of an LSN_RECORD given its LSN:
FileOffset = ((lsn << SeqNumberBits) & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) >> (SeqNumberBits - 3)

Tail pages

In LFS v1.1, the log pages are packed, meaning that if we have room on the last page written (in a previous IO transfer), then records from the current IO transfer will be added to it. To avoid losing both the records from the previous IO transfer and the current one if the page becomes corrupt due to a power failue, two special pages called tail copies are used.

Note that only the first page and the last page of an IO transfer may have tail copies (the pages in between never puts us at risk).

Two copies are not strictly needed but may be useful for some implementations.

NTFS Recovery

Analysis pass

• NTFS scans forward in log file from beginning of last checkpoint
• Updates transaction/dirty page tables it copied in memory
• NTFS scans tables for oldest update record of a non-committed transactions

Redo pass

• NTFS looks for "page update" records which contain volume modification that might not have been flushed to disk
• NTFS redoes these updates in the cache until it reaches end of log file
• Cache manager "lazy writer thread" begins to flush cache to disk

Undo pass

• Roll back any transactions that weren't committed when system failed
• After undo pass - volume is at consistent state
• Write empty LFS restart area; no recovery is needed if system fails now

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